Cubase 13 Filterverse not passing audio

Filterverse will not pass audio when a saved session with FV is reopened. All looks ok visually but no audio, have to save preset, close plugin and then re open to get it to work. Also random modulators not working sometimes ADSR being one.

Please make sure you tag this report correctly! (type, category, and format)
and fill out the following form:

  • Plugin Version: v0.7.4
  • Plugin Format (vst2/vst3/au/aax): VST3
  • DAW + Version:Cubase 13
  • OS + Version: 12.7.4
  • CPU Type (Apple/Intel/AMD): Apple M1

Filterverse will not pass audio when a saved session with FV is reopened

Reopen a previously saved Cubase .cpr
*Please attach jpg. screenshots or zip. files with video or preset if possible

Hi @woodsdenis thank you for reporting this bug.
I can’t reproduce it on our system.

Could you please send a video of this issue?
Does it happen with a new project and a single audio track?
Does it happen with the init patch? If not, can you send that preset?

@woodsdenis This should be fixed in 0.7.6
Please check if this is fixed for you.

No problems so far with latest version

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Thanks for confirming.
I will mark it as fixed.
Please let us know if you get this issue again or spot any new bugs.