Feature Request: sequencer shapes shortcut

Hey there,

I’m really interested in having a tab for choosing basic sequencer shapes. It would be great to have fundamental options like sine, saw, triangle, square, ramp, and more easily accessible. I’m currently finding it a bit cumbersome to tweak a mix of steps, shapes, and patterns. It’s disrupting my workflow and not feeling very smooth.

Perhaps we could implement something like this: Right-click on the pattern or shape > A popup tab appears with basic envelopes/LFO shapes > Choose the desired shape > Confirm.

Thank you for this feature suggestion.

You can quickly create the basic shapes in a sequencer, by reducing the number of steps to 1 or 2 and changing the curve shape.

Here is an example of how to set it up:

You also have a large selection of basic shapes inside the sequencer patterns.

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Thank you, Adrian

I feel like having a selection of premade shapes would enhance the experience. Maybe something to consider in the future.

Amazing product and I’m a happy customer. Thanks again for the help. :smiley:
