Issue with MIDI Mapping in Supermodal Plugin


I’m facing a problem with MIDI mapping in the Supermodal plugin. When I try to assign certain MIDI controls, the plugin doesn’t seem to respond as expected, even though the mapping appears correct in the settings. :upside_down_face:

I’m using a MIDI controller that works fine with other plugins, but it doesn’t seem to trigger the parameters in Supermodal. :innocent:

I’ve tried different MIDI channels and checked the connections, but nothing seems to work.

I’ve also ensured that Supermodal is properly configured in my DAW, but the MIDI mapping issue persists. :thinking: I have checked Supermodal - Polyverse Music okta guide for reference .

Has anyone else had similar issues with MIDI mapping in Supermodal? Any tips on resolving this?

Thank you ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Sienna,

Which DAW you are using?
Have you set the separate MIDI track in your DAW to send MIDI data to the Supermodal?